Friday, 8 May 2015

Scrounging Benefit Scum

One of the saddest things to have come out from the 2015 General Election for me is all the gleeful comments, statuses & tweets talking about how pleased they are that ‘we can finally get rid of all the scrounging benefit scum’. So this one’s for you guys…

To all the voters proudly saying they voted to get rid of the ‘scrounging benefit scum’

You do realise you’re talking about me, don’t you…?

Because when the newspapers, the news programmes and all of the parties talked of me what they failed to mention is that I am a part of society that is the easiest to hit, the easiest to batter and the easiest to get to put up and shut up. They have made you believe that I live the life of riley on you. They have created the myth that I am a drain on society and that it’s mainly my fault that the country is in the position it is in now. And they will beat me and batter me and tell me time and time and time again that I deserve nothing, while the majority of you will just look the other way…

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that works.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that is on a low wage.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that claims Disability Living Allowance.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that received part funded zoomtext & an extendible monitor arm to be able to do my job.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that despite the above takes home much less than £1000pcm.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that gets free public transport travel, but can’t use it before 0930 to get to work.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ who despite being severely visually impaired gets no financial help towards glasses.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ who despite being hearing impaired has to fight tooth and nail to get a semi decent set of hearing aids.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that gets no free dental treatment.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that would not be able to afford my most precious bit of ‘blind kit’ (Samson!!) if it were not for Guide Dogs paying for his food and vet bills.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that had to pay well over £100 for pills when my eye started to pop out of its socket.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that hasn’t been on holiday abroad for well over five years.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that hasn’t brought full priced clothes for myself in many many years.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that still gives to charity, because I know there are many far worse off than me.

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ that despite having worked (full or part time) since I left school, despite being a decent member of society, despite doing my best to live a full & productive life, despite doing you no harm…

I am the ‘scrounging benefit scum’ you hate….